Sunday, March 30, 2008

I love fragrances but they don't all love me!

I love fragrances. I love the smell of cologne. I love the smell of perfumes. I love candles. I love incense and scented oils. I love the smell of good food cooking on the stove. I love for my clothes to have that clean, fresh smell when I first take them out the dryer. Ahhh, fragrances! Fragrances are the "taste buds" for our noses. I enjoy perfumes and fragrances a lot.

So I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I first discovered that certain fragrances and perfumes caused an allergic reaction! Sometimes the fragrances affect my sinuses and cause me to sneeze a lot. Sometimes the fragrances cause me to experience headaches. Sometimes the fragrances caused acne-looking pimples on my skin and resulting dark marks. So I've been on a journey to find some fragrance free products.

Now, unlike some people, I'm not allergic to all fragrances. So I will be doing some blogs on fragrances that I like and use that have not proven to cause any reactions. But I'll also do more blogs on fragrance free products and what I, or others, think about them.

Thedy B

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